艾瑞·卡尔用主观的色彩, 画出动物独特的灵性与活力, 激发孩子无穷的想象潜力。
在星星点缀的湛蓝夜空下 凝视远方
火红天空下 一只绿色的狮子
很难想象国际大师艾瑞·卡尔在超过八十岁后,还能创作出如此大胆且深具视觉震撼力的作品。在大师笔下,蓝色的马、黄色的牛、绿色的狮子、彩色圆点的驴子,以及各种颜色不寻常的动物,看似不合常理,却又让人忍不住被深深吸引,而这一切原来是要向画家弗朗兹·马尔克(Franz Marc)致敬!
A brilliant new Eric Carle picture book for the artist in us all.
Every child has an artist inside them, and this vibrant picture book from Eric Carle will help let it out. The artist in this book paints the world as he sees it, just like a child. There's a red crocodile, an orange elephant, a purple fox and a polka-dotted donkey. More than anything, there's imagination. Filled with some of the most magnificently colorful animals of Eric Carle's career, this tribute to the creative life celebrates the power of art.
适用年龄: 3-6岁
Recommended for ages: 3-6