作者: 玛格丽特·怀斯·布朗
Author: Margaret Wise Brown
《两列小火车》承袭玛格丽特惯有的文风,亲切的反复句带着初学语言的幼儿一边“搭火车”,一边学念书:“两列小火车往西走”、“往下看啊,往下看”、 “一列是流线型的新火车,嘟、嘟、嘟!往西走。一列是旧式的老火车,呜、呜、呜!往西走。”说故事的爸爸妈妈,遇到故事里的反复句,请让孩子跟着念,这可是孩子练习语言的好机会哦!说故事的互动,更可以提高孩子的专注力。可以由爸妈轻轻地念,让孩子跟着大声读。
"Two Little Trains" inherits Margaret’s usual style of writing, with warm repetitions that lead children, who are new to language learning, to "ride the train" while studying: Parents, when you encounter the repeated sentences in the story, please let your children follow along as it is a good opportunity for them to practice the language! The interaction of storytelling can improve children's concentration. It can be read gently by parents and children can read it aloud.
适用年龄: 3岁-8岁
Recommended for Ages: 3-8
Recommended for Ages: 3-8